Sterling Ditch – May 25, 2024

Hike coordinator: Terry Andreucci

Beginning from Deming Gulch Trailhead, the small group of hikers hiked along the 25-mile-long Sterling Mine Ditch Trail. Although they did not walk the entire 25 miles, they did go back in time and experience a little history. This entire trench was dug by hand for the sole purpose of transporting water from the Little Applegate River to the hydraulic mine operations of Sterling Mine. The mine has long been closed down leaving behind a scattering of ghost towns and a ditch that now performs a much worthier duty as a hiking and biking trail.

Pictures below by Rheo Wheeler

Buckeye Lake and Cliff Lake – May 11, 2024

Hike coordinator: Edwin Case

Narration by Lane Harris

Twelve hikers headed out from the Skimmerhorn Trailhead on a warm morning in May. Destination: Cliff Lake and Buckeye Lake located in the Rogue-Umpqua Divide Wilderness. Nestled beneath Grasshopper Mountain, these two lakes were formed when the mountain split in two many eons ago.

The trail started out in a green forest, but quickly entered a burned area from years ago. Eventually, we reentered the forest proper as we neared Buckeye Lake. However, Edwin led us past the turnoff for Buckeye Lake and marched us onward to Cliff Lake where we would have lunch.

After lunch, Edwin took us back down the trail, this time taking a side trip to scenic Buckeye Lake. There were other hikers and backpackers here enjoying the scenery. After a bit of lollygagging, we said goodbye to Buckeye Lake and headed back down the trail. It was a great day to be outdoors!

Pictures below by Lane Harris

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