North Umpqua Trail: Tioga Section – December 21, 2024

Hike Coordinator: Lane Harris

Narration by Lane Harris

Rain was in the forecast for the day we hiked this, but lo and behold, not a drop of water fell from the skies! Lucky us! Maybe because today was the winter solstice?…

Beginning from the Susan Creek day use area, the Emerald Trail led us ¾ of a mile to the Tioga Bridge. Crossing the bridge, we turned left and headed upriver. This entire area was devastated in September of 2020 by the Archie Creek fire. Some recent trail work made the going significantly easier than it would’ve been with multiple trees to step over or under. Still, with all the footbridges destroyed or non-existent, creek crossings made for some interesting moments.

Reaching a high point near a bend in the river about 1 ½ miles from the bridge, our group took a break while enjoying views of the river below. We turned around and headed back, completing about 5 miles.

We had lunch at the day use area while we thanked the rain gods for taking the day off. Part of the group decided to go check out Susan Creek Falls while the rest of us decided to call it a day. This would be the last club hike of 2024, as we look forward to more great hikes in the new year!

Pictures by Rheo Wheeler

Lost Creek Lake & Blue Grotto – December 7, 2024

Hike Coordinator: Tery Andreucci

Narration by Terry Andreucci

Five hikers met in Roseburg for a 2-hour drive to Lost Creek Lake and the Blue Grotto Trailhead. Additionally, five other hikers from the Grants Pass area met us at the trailhead.

The hike took us along the north shore of the lake to an interesting box canyon formed of blue-green rhyolite deposits from the eruption of Mount Mazama, now Crater Lake.

We hiked the five miles out and back through a mixed forest of incense cedars, ponderosa pines, Douglas fir, white oak and madrone. Along the way there were wonderful views of Lost Creek Lake, the Peyton Bridge and the areas of blue rhyolite shoreline.

We took the trail up to the Grotto, as steep rhyolite slopes closed in on us. Sad to say, the falls were a little disappointing. Without recent rainfall there was very little water flowing over the falls. Oh well!

After lunch at the shoreline, we headed back, just as a light drizzle of rain began.

All in all, a good day on the trail!

Pictures by Terry Andreucci and Rheo Wheeler

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