Bullpup Lake – June 22, 2024

Hike Coordinator: Edwin Case

Narration by Lane Harris

Back in October of 2023, Edwin had this hike scheduled before the winter snows came. Or so he thought. The hike wasn’t a total bust, and walking through the snowy landscape was like strolling through a delightful winter wonderland. But that same snow stopped us short of our intended destination: Bulldog Rock.

Fast forward 10 months, and Edwin was once again leading some determined hikers up to Bulldog Rock. This time, snow would not be a factor!

Bullpup Lake is seldom-visited, which makes it a great candidate for anyone wanting to visit a pristine body of water, a deeply shaded forest, and epic views overlooking nearby Boulder Creek Wilderness. Most of the elevation gain comes all at once between Bullpup Lake and the Calapooya Crest, but the views at the top make the effort totally worth it. Near the top just past a large meadow, the group veered off-trail and summitted Lost Prairie Rock.

But the real treat lies just north of Lost Prairie Rock along a narrow ridgeline. A short downhill trod leads to expansive views of Bulldog Prairie and the Cascade Peaks to the east. This 7.5 mile round-trip hike is a challenge, but the reward can be worth it.

Pictures below by Lane Harris

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