Mount Ashland Meadows – July 20, 2024

Hike Coordinator: Lane Harris

Narration by Lane Harris

Beginning from Mount Ashland Road, our group headed out on the PCT, threading through a beautifully shaded forest. The trail is fairly level, and goes through several small meadows initially. Although it enters and exits the woods a few times, the trail eventually yields to all meadow. Stepping over several small streams, we awed at the green slopes and distant mountains. All sorts of wildflowers made for a delightful stroll through the meadows of green.
At Grouse Gap, we took a bit of a respite and explored a rocky knoll that gave a great view of Mt Ashland. Southerly views to distant Mount Shasta were a bit hazy due to fires in the region, but the air in the immediate area was clear.
After lunch, we made the downhill trek back down the trail. With the afternoon sun getting warmer by the minute, we were thankful for the shade of the trees once again as we made our way back to our vehicles.

Mount Ashland Meadows
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